Event marketing on a shoestring

Event marketing on a shoestring

I directed the event marketing for a a nonprofit, professional association's regional conference in 2015.  We had a shoestring budget and a team made up of a committed volunteers - a familiar story for most non-profits. 

In the following post, I've shared the goals for the conference, key communications strategies and samples of some of the materials.  If you need ideas for creating an integrated event marketing campaign on a limited budget, contact me to discuss my experiences.

One-off promotions ≠ Marketing

One-off promotions ≠ Marketing

Sales are down. The store down the block is offering big discounts. The new 2016 printers are set to be released soon, and you have 1000s of the old ones in the warehouse. What to do?

Let’s have a big promotion! Good idea, right? Yes, and no. If you have a marketing strategy and an integrated marketing communications plan AND this promotion fits into your plan and brand messaging, then let’s do it. If not, an ill-conceived, one-off promotion might do more harm than good, eroding your brand’s image, pricing and customer loyalty.

Marketing is not just promotions and rah-rah stuff. It’s much more.

Get on the IMC bandwagon!

Get on the IMC bandwagon!

Everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – is talking about marketing communications. Not just any old marketing communications, but integrated marketing communications or IMC.

If your company’s marketing communications are not integrated, you are wasting money, effort and time that could be spent on building your brand, generating revenue and improving profitability. 

Sleep is the best drug ever

Sleep is the best drug ever

Seven hours. My optimal dose of sleep. More gives me a sleep hangover. Less zaps my creatively, drains my productivity, and makes me grumpy. My overall health suffers. I am convinced sleep is the best drug ever invented and is key to good health, productivity and happiness.

Why Crux?

Why Crux?

I'm constantly asked, "Why Crux? What does that have to do with communications?" I have a strange obsession with that word. Love it! Crux is a cool word with several meanings that apply directly to the work we do for our clients. Let me explain.